KALOOB Development Office Foundation Inc.
Forming Leaders. Building Communities
Since 2010, our small non-governmental organization (NGO) works together with the poorest and most vulnerable people of the Philippines, especially the victims of natural disasters, and help them to create their own brighter future.
Kaloob was founder by the Augustinians of the Assumption.

Why help in the Philippines?
The Philippines is an archipelago where great poverty persists. Many people left behind still have great difficulties getting access to education, health, decent housing, and consistent livelihood.
The Philippines is also a geographical area that is extremely affected by climate change and natural disasters. Typhoons regularly destroy houses, roads, and lands. Once again, the neediest are the first victims.
The Philippines is one of the countries most vulnerable to natural disasters.
About 1/5 of the Filipino population lives with no more than $2 a day.
Of 1,000 Filipino children, 27 die before the age of 5.
3.6 million children and youth do not or cannot attend school
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