Badiang Elementary School is this year’s beneficiary for the gift-giving educational program organized by Kaloob Foundation, Inc. and the French Scouts and volunteers. 120 elementary students received a package of school supplies, purchased by the Foundation in partnership with the generous Catholic French communities. The scouts brought school materials from France. While 22 school teachers received Boots as gifts. In coordination with the Divine Mercy Parish, the Lugaw was served by our Divine Mercy Parish devotees to all the participants. The program started with a warm welcome by the school principal Sir Jonathan Rollon and was followed by the presentations of the different grade levels. While the French Scouts prepared a song and a game for the school community. Br. Mark Vincent delivered his short speech to thank everybody who made this event possible.

In especially way, we thank Ma’am Dalia Dimas who, in one way or the other, prepared the said encounter successfully. One of the highlights was a beautiful Muslim dance performed by a very talented couple Mr. and Mrs. Jainal and Bendra Ismael, which made the visitors dance on the spot. Merienda was served by our beloved teacher-partners at the Principal’s Office.
God works in amazing ways! Until the next encounter.