Development Office Foundation, Inc.

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PASKO HANDOG PARA SA MGA BATA (Christmas Gift-Giving for Malnourished/ Undernourished Children)

December 08, 2022– On the solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, while the whole Philippine archipelago is celebrating both a holiday and Holy Day, our Adveniat community welcomes children from the communities of Marytown, Daang Tubo, and Park 7, together with their parents and the event’s sponsors, to celebrate the Holy Mass and to receive the blessing of healing. A simple program followed where the distribution of 100 pieces of VitaMeals, given by NuSkin Enterprises (one of the major sponsors), and Vitamin C with Zinc, donated by the US Lay-Religious Alliance through Kaloob Foundation, Inc., which were recommended by the Pediatricians of the Barangay health center (BHC). The 100 children- beneficiaries are certified by the BHC as malnourished and under-nourished that need vitamins and minerals to be healthy. Simple snacks followed before the beneficiaries went home happy.

This is the first time after the pandemic that this kind of activity was done in Adveniat. What makes it more special is the touching generosity of many people who contributed money and bread for the events. Truly this is a befitting way to celebrate this solemnity, focusing on Christ as the main reason for the celebration. We pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary that these children will be healed from all their maladies, and to those who became part of the event, in one way or another, may they also receive the choicest blessings of Jesus, for the sake of the coming of the Kingdom. -Ethiel Roxas, AA, Adveniat House Community, Metro Manila, Philippines

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