Development Office Foundation, Inc.

Forming Leaders. Building Communities!

Geraldine Daz: Healthcare beneficiary

Dear friends, we would like to share with you one of the success stories of KALOOB’s initiative to uplift the life of the little ones and to share hope with the hopeless. This is the story of Geraldine Daz, a 33-year-old mother of five, and wife of Franklin Daz, living in Pandi, Bulacan, a province in Central Luzon in the Philippines. Geraldine suffers from an atrial septal defect and underwent open-heart surgery at Metropolitan Medical Hospital in Manila. Seeing how the couple had insufficient resources for the medical procedure, a generous French couple named Jacques and Marie Aude Reber shouldered most of their expenses. Even after the successful operation, Jacques and Marie continued to extend their financial aid, collaborating with KALOOB to provide Geraldine and her family with a sustainable source of income, their own sari-sari store. The Daz Family is sincerely
grateful to the Reber family for their generosity, love, and concern, and they promise to show
their gratitude by paying it forward.

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